Audience question got you stumped?

What to say when you don't know the answer to a question 🧐

Try this...

Own Your ‘Ignorance!’

What do you mean?!
Audiences are far more likely to respect and trust you if you’re honest. Blagging your way through an answer in an attempt to save face will not fool anyone.

So what should I do instead?
Step 1: Take a pause ⏞
Take a moment to process the question (in fact, do this after every question you're asked). Not only does this buy you time, it helps the questioner to feel heard.

Don’t believe me? Watch this 👇

Steve Jobs took 6 seconds to pause before answering this heckle. Notice how the longer he paused the greater his authority?

Step 2: Own Your ‘Ignorance’ đŸ€·
There is power in admitting you don’t have all the answers. So deliver these three words confidently and without an apology:

‘I don’t know

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