🫣 Three essential rules for providing constructive presentation feedback...

... that doesn't crush their confidence!

Picture this…

A team member has just delivered a car crash presentation to the board and they've asked you to give them feedback.

How do you do it without shattering their confidence?

I've given my fair share of presentation feedback over the years. I'm on the receiving end of my fair share too - after every workshop I deliver.

I have three rules for giving constructive presentation feedback:

Rule 1: Seek first to understand, then be understood 👂

Far more important than the feedback you have for them is the feedback they are already giving themselves. That’s why getting a clear sense of how they feel about the presentation they delivered is absolutely vital.

If they've got any level of self-awareness, they already know it went down badly so they don't need you to tell them that!

I thought I’d check in after this morning's presentation.
How was it for you?

A really simple and effective way to open the conversation…

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