☄️ How to elevate the status of your next keynote

Featuring Tristan Harris from The Social Dilemma

Earlier this year I watched a keynote that has fundamentally changed how I see the world. It's rare that a presentation completely stops me in my tracks these days, let alone an hour-long keynote. And it was all because it did this…

Ground your stories in recognisable historical events

Let me explain…

In March, some of the world's leading technologists came together for a private gathering chaired by Steve Wozniak (Apple's Co-Founder).

The subject matter? A.I.

The keynote speakers? Tristan Harris and Aza Razkin. They were behind the Emmy-winning Netflix documentary, The Social Dilemma.

Their first 5 minutes is a masterclass on how to get an audience to take your message seriously. But it was this 21-second clip that made me give the talk my undivided attention… 🍿

You will have seen this technique used before…

Perhaps most famously with Simon Sinek, who referenced Martin Luther King, The Wright Brothers and Apple in his TEDx talk.

For me, Tristan has taken it to the next level.

Here’s how he did it…

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