❄️ How to keep your nerve ahead of a high-stakes presentation

Skip this step and there’s a good chance your audience will end up as lost as you are.

Just before Emily Maitliss sat down in a Buckingham Palace ballroom for that infamous interview with Prince Andrew, she found herself in a state of overwhelm. How did she turn it around? By hiding in the loo 🚽!

‘A good interview is made in the 5-minute silence that you spend on your own before it.’

I love that advice. It works equally well in presentation scenarios too…

Especially when we find ourselves working towards something where we’ve only got one chance to Make It Count. But it’s what you do in the loo that matters (not a sentence I ever thought I’d write!).

And in this 100-second clip, Emily reveals all…

A quite extraordinary story that can be summed up by this one sentence…

I realised that I was the one person in the world at that point who could ask the questions the women wanted answering.

So what was actually going on here?

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