šŸ˜² The Problem Story: How to Inspire Action with Urgency

Ft. Jamie Oliver

In 2010, Jamie Oliverā€™s TED talk resulted in 750,000 people signing up to take part in his Global Food Revolution. It is a perfect example of how a talk can be used to inspire change. For those of you looking to do the same, use this formulaā€¦

Urgency + Optimism = Action

And donā€™t hold back on the urgency...

Itā€™s the single biggest mistake I see speakers make - they want to be liked.

But urgency can feel uncomfortable. And so it should.

Itā€™s a powerful motivator.

One of the most effective ways to create it?

The Problem Story

Itā€™s your call for change. If you want people to buy into your vision, first they must buy into the problem.

Every Founder and Thought Leader needs one to share with investors, employees, customers and of course, audiences.

Case and point? Jamieā€™s 146-second talk opener šŸæā€¦

Three things you can learn from Jamieā€™s clip:

  1. Problem stories donā€™t have a happy ending šŸ˜  
    They should make the audience feel frustrated; maybe even angry, but most importantly of all, ready for change. That can only happen when youā€¦

  2. Get frustrated ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„!
    This clip is a perfect example of what it means to speak with passion. We often associate passion with positive emotions like enthusiasm and excitement. He was in the moment, experiencing the emotions so his audience could too. Effective communication is a transference of feelings.

  3. Jamie used cue cards šŸ“‘ 
    Did you care? I didnā€™t eitherā€¦ Proof that when used correctly, they donā€™t matter. Hereā€™s what he had written on them:

Just prompts. No wonder his delivery was so impactful.

Sending you all the pos vibes for your talks this week šŸ’Ŗ.

Go get ā€˜em!


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