Why you should bring pauses into your presentation

If you're guilty of speaking too fast when you present, this one's for you! 🤫

This week, why you should be incorporating more pauses into your presentations to heighten the emotional experience.

Why does it work?
If you're one of those people who speaks too fast, rather than try and regulate your pace (which requires a lot of mental energy), try pausing more instead. Pauses heighten the emotional experience for an audience. You can use them to build suspense and to give your audience space to reflect. Use them well and you will own the room, like the conductor of an orchestra. 🪄

But that sounds excruciatingly uncomfortable... 🥴 
It is at first, but the more you practice it the easier it gets. Not least because when you can learn to become comfortable with silence, you'll stop saying erm... and ahhh...

How long should a pause last?

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